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Ballad of Sword and Wine: Qiang Jin Jiu (Novel) Vol. 2

Jazyk AngličtinaAngličtina
Kniha Brožovaná
Kniha Ballad of Sword and Wine: Qiang Jin Jiu (Novel) Vol. 2 Tang Jiu Qing
Libristo kód: 45272964
Nakladateľstvo Seven Seas, september 2024
The fan-favorite danmei/Boys' Love novel series originally released in Chinese! In this historical t... Celý popis
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The fan-favorite danmei/Boys' Love novel series originally released in Chinese! In this historical tale of war and political intrigue, an intense relationship burns between the son of an infamous traitor and the vengeful nobleman who despises first.Shen Zechuan is the eighth son of the traitorous Prince of Jianxing, a man who doomed his cities and people to destruction at the hands of the foreign enemy. As the only surviving member of his reviled line, Shen Zechuan is dragged to the capital in chains. He bears the hatred of the nation, but no one's hate burns hotter than that of Xiao Chiye, the youngest son of the powerful Prince of Libei.Xiao Chiye would love nothing more than to see Shen Zechuan dead--but against all odds, he clings to life. Rather than succumb to his family's disgrace, he becomes a thorn in Xiao Chiye's side, clawing his way into the cutthroat political world of the capital. Yet as these two bitter enemies beat against the bonds of their fate, they find themselves kindred spirits, unlikely allies...and perhaps something more.This Chinese historical fiction tale built around the desire between two men (danmei) has attracted fans from around the world and inspired a comic and an audio drama. The Seven Seas English-language edition includes exclusive new covers and interior illustrations.

Informácie o knihe

Celý názov Ballad of Sword and Wine: Qiang Jin Jiu (Novel) Vol. 2
Jazyk Angličtina
Väzba Kniha - Brožovaná
Dátum vydania 2024
Počet strán 400
EAN 9798888433102
Libristo kód 45272964
Nakladateľstvo Seven Seas
Váha 367
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