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Thousand Autumns: Qian Qiu (Novel) Vol. 4

Jazyk AngličtinaAngličtina
Kniha Brožovaná
Kniha Thousand Autumns: Qian Qiu (Novel) Vol. 4 Me Mimo
Libristo kód: 44035397
Nakladateľstvo SEVEN SEAS PR, marec 2024
“I FEAR THERE WILL BE A RAIN OF BLOOD.” Having saved Yuwen Song from war-torn Chang’an, Shen Qiao h... Celý popis
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“I FEAR THERE WILL BE A RAIN OF BLOOD.” Having saved Yuwen Song from war-torn Chang’an, Shen Qiao helps him start a new life training at Bixia Sect. Yet everyone’s got their demons, and it’s not long before Shen Qiao’s own mischievous Demon Lord, Yan Wushi, appears. Meanwhile, Bixia Sect buzzes with news of a chance to gain honor, prestige, and a swelling in ranks at the upcoming Sword Trial Conference. Yet not all who gather hold noble desires. Under the cover of night, Shen Qiao is warned of rising tensions that threaten to turn the Conference into a bloodbath! Will Yan Wushi and Shen Qiao make it out unscathed? A fateful battle awaits!

Informácie o knihe

Celý názov Thousand Autumns: Qian Qiu (Novel) Vol. 4
Autor Me Mimo
Jazyk Angličtina
Väzba Kniha - Brožovaná
Dátum vydania 2024
Počet strán 444
EAN 9781638589440
ISBN 1638589445
Libristo kód 44035397
Nakladateľstvo SEVEN SEAS PR
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