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Guardian: Zhen Hun (Novel) Vol. 1

Jazyk AngličtinaAngličtina
Kniha Brožovaná
Kniha Guardian: Zhen Hun (Novel) Vol. 1
Libristo kód: 41870343
Nakladateľstvo Seven Seas, august 2023
The danmei/Boys Love novels from China that inspired the popular live-action drama streaming in Engl... Celý popis
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The danmei/Boys Love novels from China that inspired the popular live-action drama streaming in English! This modern fantasy about gods, ghosts, and supernatural investigations from blockbuster author Priest (Stars of Chaos: Sha Po Lang, Word of Honor) is now officially in English for the first time!Zhao Yunlan is Chief of the Special Investigations Department: a secret group of uniquely skilled individuals who investigate strange happenings in modern-day Dragon City. Although laid-back and cheeky to those who don't know him, this tenacious and cunning man fits well into his role of the Guardian.While investigating a mysterious death at a local university, Zhao Yunlan meets Shen Wei, a calm and cold professor who proves as intriguing as the case itself. Something about this reserved man feels strangely familiar. Zhao Yunlan can't help but notice the intensity of the professor's gaze, and wonders why their lives begin to intertwine as if by fate.This trilogy of supernatural novels from China built around the desire between two men (danmei) has been translated into multiple languages and inspired the blockbuster live-action series of the same name, penned by hit-maker author Priest (whose works include Stars of Chaos: Sha Po Lang and Faraway Wanderers/Word of Honor). The Seven Seas English-language edition will include exclusive, all-new covers and interior illustrations.

Informácie o knihe

Celý názov Guardian: Zhen Hun (Novel) Vol. 1
Jazyk Angličtina
Väzba Kniha - Brožovaná
Dátum vydania 2023
Počet strán 450
EAN 9781638589365
ISBN 1638589364
Libristo kód 41870343
Nakladateľstvo Seven Seas
Váha 367
Rozmery 149 x 210
Darujte túto knihu ešte dnes
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