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Primary i-Dictionary Level 3 DVD-ROM (Single classroom)

Jazyk AngličtinaAngličtina
Digital Digital DVD
Digital Primary i-Dictionary Level 3 DVD-ROM (Single classroom) Anna Wieczorek
Libristo kód: 04387680
Nakladateľstvo Cambridge University Press, september 2011
Animated stories, songs, worksheets and flashcards, plus over three hundred illustrated words needed... Celý popis
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Zákazníci tiež kúpili

Primary Communication Box Caroline Nixon / Krúžková 57.38
Primary i-Box CD-ROM (Single classroom) Caroline Nixon / Digital CD 7.25
Primary i-Dictionary Level 2 DVD-ROM (Home user) Anna Wieczorek / Digital DVD 49.81

Animated stories, songs, worksheets and flashcards, plus over three hundred illustrated words needed for the Cambridge Young Learners English (YLE) Flyers test. The Primary i-Dictionary Level 3 CD-ROM is ideal for general English classes as well as exam preparation, and can be used with any coursebook or on its own. Pictures and pronunciation for the featured words in British and American English, make learning new vocabulary memorable and fun. This CD-ROM is for single classroom use. A multi-classroom use CD-ROM is also available separately.

Informácie o knihe

Celý názov Primary i-Dictionary Level 3 DVD-ROM (Single classroom)
Jazyk Angličtina
Väzba Digital - Digital DVD
Dátum vydania 2011
Počet strán 15
EAN 9780521175876
ISBN 0521175879
Libristo kód 04387680
Nakladateľstvo Cambridge University Press
Váha 100
Rozmery 134 x 190 x 14
Darujte túto knihu ešte dnes
Je to jednoduché
1 Pridajte knihu do košíka a vyberte možnosť doručiť ako darček 2 Obratom Vám zašleme poukaz 3 Knihu zašleme na adresu obdarovaného

Mohlo by vás tiež zaujímať

Invincible Tibor Karolyi / Brožovaná 25.61
Howard Hughes Donald L. Barlett / Brožovaná 21.88
PASS Cambridge BEC Preliminary Russell Whitehead / Brožovaná 41.04
Primary i-Dictionary Level 3 DVD-ROM (Home user) Anna Wieczorek / Digital DVD 52.84
Super Safari Level 2 Presentation Plus DVD-ROM Herbert Puchta / Digital DVD 237.81
Peder M?rk M?nsted / Pevná 45.78
Mitsubishi Pajero (97 - 14) Anon / Brožovaná 46.79
Machiavelli in Tumult Gabriele Pedull... / Pevná 119.30
Kant on Reflection and Virtue Merritt / Pevná 120.31


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