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Guardian: Zhen Hun (Novel) Vol. 3 (Special Edition)

Jazyk AngličtinaAngličtina
Kniha Brožovaná
Kniha Guardian: Zhen Hun (Novel) Vol. 3 (Special Edition)
Libristo kód: 45718265
Nakladateľstvo Seven Seas, august 2024
Limited Edition (one printing only!) of this danmei/Boys' Love novel series from China that inspired... Celý popis
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Limited Edition (one printing only!) of this danmei/Boys' Love novel series from China that inspired the popular live-action drama streaming in English! In this final book (Volume 3), read the conclusion to this modern fantasy about gods, ghosts, and supernatural investigations from blockbuster author Priest (Stars of Chaos: Sha Po Lang, Word of Honor).When a mysterious illness knocks Zhao Yunlan off his feet, he enjoys being doted on by Shen Wei-until he discovers a grim secret that threatens to tear them apart. However, it's not just their domestic bliss that's on the verge of collapse. The Great Seal is cracking, order itself is about to break down and extinguish all life, and their only hope to stop the destruction is the final Hallowed Artifact: the Soul-Guarding Lamp. But even as the world threatens to crumble around them, Zhao Yunlan searches for the truth and a way to keep Shen Wei by his side, this time for all eternity. The thrilling conclusion to the hit series arrives!This limited Special Edition contains the Standard Edition, but with bonus merchandise shrinkwrapped to the book: a set of six postcards, a double-sided bookmark, two folded mini posters, and a sticker sheet. Don't miss the new art from guest artists included in this special merch!FINAL VOLUME

Informácie o knihe

Celý názov Guardian: Zhen Hun (Novel) Vol. 3 (Special Edition)
Jazyk Angličtina
Väzba Kniha - Brožovaná
Dátum vydania 2024
Počet strán 460
EAN 9798891608504
Libristo kód 45718265
Nakladateľstvo Seven Seas
Váha 368
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