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insight: Intermediate: Test Bank MultiROM

Jazyk AngličtinaAngličtina
Digital Digital CD
Digital insight: Intermediate: Test Bank MultiROM
Libristo kód: 04862815
Nakladateľstvo Oxford University Press, august 2013
The five levels of insight are aimed at students who are studying at A1 to C1 levels. The course con... Celý popis
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The five levels of insight are aimed at students who are studying at A1 to C1 levels. The course content covers everything from the absolute basics of how to pronounce the alphabet and numbers at Elementary Level through to understanding how to apply the complex language skills required in academic and professional situations at Advanced Level.

Darujte túto knihu ešte dnes
Je to jednoduché
1 Pridajte knihu do košíka a vyberte možnosť doručiť ako darček 2 Obratom Vám zašleme poukaz 3 Knihu zašleme na adresu obdarovaného

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